The division I work in is…
I have worked at Commerce for…
Worked at Commerce for almost ten years. Prior to to DOPL I worked as a retail store manager at Bath and Body Works, for 18 years. I ran a high volume store with during the holidays around 38 team members to schedule. I am originally from Cardiff, South Wales, Great Britain. I married my American husband nearly 33 years ago, have two adult now children. Shantel, 31 school teacher, son 30, SLC SWAT.
At Commerce, my job is…
I work as a Compliance specialist in DOPL. I work with all the nurses, midwives and physical therapists that are on probation with their license. I have to say that I LOVE my job. It is very rewarding. To help someone with their compliance and keep their license and career that they worked so hard for. Mine are mainly addiction and it is so sad how addiction can take over someone’s life, but it is the best feeling in the world when addiction looses and they come out on the other end and succeed.
The best thing about working for the Utah Department of Commerce is…
I am part of the DOPL family. When I first started and heard this I did not really believe. As time went on I truly came to understand the value and meaning of a work family. This is very important as each day when I wake up I know that I am going to enjoy my day and that I am part of a team that cares about me.
I have professionally grown working in my division because…
I have grown in many areas. From the tech side of things from only working retail for so many years, but mostly I have grown in myself as a person and how to think and grow outside the box.
During my workday I could not live without…
I am going to say my ‘nurses’. I have always felt a love and passion to help the nurses. The healthcare struggles and is overworked and anything I can do today to help makes my day. On the fun side, my foot rest lol.
Outside of the office I like to…
Well I am going to have to say hang out with my grandboys first. I have four boys, 6, 5, 3 and 2 and they keep me feeling old, I mean young!! I love to hunt, I actually made a big deer game draw last year and harvested an amazing deer, it did take all of my points. Women’s trap shooting team, snowmobiling and of course vacationing to new places. This is an amazing world that has so much to offer and to see. Why not take any opportunity you can to travel and enjoy.
My superpower is…
Not to slow down. I found out a year and half ago that I have late onset MS. I am not afraid to share. I am determined to go as long as I can with no medications and push through. I try to keep active and as healthy as I can. If I slow down then I feel those dang needles and pins. On the funny side, my superpower is putting up with my husband Shane for 33 years lol.