The division I work in is…
Division of Consumer Protection
I have worked at Commerce for…
I used to work for the Division of Real Estate as a Fingerprint Technician. Before working at Commerce, I used to work for the Salt Lake County Treasurer and Recorder’s Offices.
At Commerce, my job is…
I assist the Division with the registration of Postsecondary Proprietary Schools that are seeking compliance in the State of Utah.
The best thing about working for the Utah Department of Commerce is…
I enjoy the foundation of knowledge, leadership, and camaraderie the Division has. It makes a difference during day-to-day interactions with the public when processing school applications.
I have professionally grown working in my division because…
I have become more proficient in dissecting the accuracy of information (or lack thereof) given to the Division via applications. This has also improved my professional communication skills to speak with brevity, confidence, and convey important information to those inside and outside of Commerce.
During my workday, I could not live without…
Without my computer or the programs we use, I wouldn’t be able to process applications within a reasonable timeframe. I also need my phone to make necessary calls to ensure messages are communicated properly.
Outside of the office, I like to…
I enjoy being with my family and friends. In my spare time, I write and produce music. I’m also a die-hard Star Wars fan and sci-fi nerd.
My superpower is…
Listening is my superpower because it opens my mind to new ideas. It’s the first step to achieving a sense of understanding in a world cluttered with confusion.